Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thift Store Score Thursday {First Edition}

Hello darlings & welcome to the first-ever Kitschy Galore Thrift Store Score Thursday!

It's no secret that I have an insatiable desire for the outrĂ©.  In fact I'm always on the prowl, looking to feed my addiction. It's true, I scour consignment shops, flea markets, tag sales & the like in search of rare & sparkly things for my nest.

On those momentous occasions when I do discover that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow I become so giddy... I just feel so full, like I might start to spill & I just gotta share my scrimply scrumptious swag with someone!

That's why from this day forward I declare Thursdays to be a day to celebrate & share those finds & maybe even a story or two.

I would also like to invite you to join in... Let's make it a link party! If you have some nifty thrifty finds you'd like to share, scroll down & click on the blue button below & post your link. You can link to your blog, tumblr, Pinterst, flickr whatever.  Just make sure to link back to this post & use the hashtags #thriftstorescorethursday

In addition, I've set up a Thrift Store Score Pinterest Board  This is a group board. So if you'd like to be added as a contributor email me at

Let the games begin!

So on this particular Thursday I stumbled across Vinny's Antiques Center over in Seekonk, MA. It proved to be an absolute treasure trove & I predict Vinny's will now be one of my regular haunts.

Here's the Score
• Union Empire Snowman $9.50
• Ganiteware saucepan $2.00
• Pink Madonna bust $3.00
• Aluminum lunchbox $14.00
• Enameled sixshooter pins x2 $2.00
• Thermaster cooler $20.00
• McCoy bean crock $12.00

I have to say, on the ride home we did received a bit of attention... But I'm not surprised. Being that I drive I compact vehicle & also having the little mister in tow there was no other place to put the snowman but in the front passenger's seat. So there we were, in the middle of August, bumping down the road in our little double yellow VW Beetle, with a snowman riding shotgun... & me grinning like a Cheshire cat the whole way home.

Until next time, happy hunting!

 Cheers Deers! xx